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Are you a workaholic?
Don't Think You're a Workaholic? Prove it by Taking This Short Lil' Quiz!
Let's Find Out >>>
On my desk while working
I go out for lunch and eat with my friends
I try to extend my lunch :-). I'm late by 10-15 minutes to work after lunch!
10 minutes after I wake up
At 8:00 AM
Never in a rush to start my work 🙂
I hate my work :-(. I delay starting my work as long as I can.
As soon as I can slip away...
At 5:00 PM
A few hours after everyone else is done
No set time. I keep going until I'm done with all my work for the day.
It's 10:30 pm and your boss sends a work-related text!
Enter any additional information about the quiz.
You ignore it!
You immediately respond and let him know you'll work on it first thing in the morning
You work on it right away!
When was your last real vacation where you took a week off from work and didn't work at all?
Enter any additional information about the quiz.
2-3 months ago
6 months ago
Around a year ago
More than a year ago
I don't believe in vacations
Working out
Watching Netflix
Several hobbies
Stay home and rest
Tell your boss you'll work from home
You take a fever med and go to work! How else will work get done... Right?
You wake up in the middle of the night...
Enter any additional information about the quiz.
You pick up your phone - watch videos, check social feed, text friends, etc. You don't think about work.
Time to get some more work done! You open your laptop and start working again!
You try to fall asleep
Almost there...
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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%
Hey... looks like you don't like you work!!!
Hate your work? Your job doesn't inspire you?
Feeling stuck ?
Sounds like you are doing things that you don't care about. Time to rethink your career startegy! It's time for a change! Figure out what drives you, what motivates, what you are passionate about. You can do this
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%
Sounds like you prioritize work over other things often but you are not hopeless
You just have to find a little more balance between work and life.
Make time for things outside of work
Invest in your hobbies. Make a little more time for your friends and family.
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%
Well done! You are good!
Yay! Looks like you have found the perfect work-life balance, my friend !
You love your work but not at the cost of other things. Work is important to you but only as one of the activities!
You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%
Uh oh! You are a workaholic
You’ve been told by others to cut down on work without listening to them. You become stressed if you’re prohibited from working. You deprioritize hobbies, leisure activities, and exercise because of your work.
Time to take a little break, my friend! Plan a vacation
Step away for a little. It'll all be there when you get back!