Marketing Automation
Don't really bore yourself with more - Here's the How!
Our marketing campaigns NOW are about planning. Meticulously, assessing what you are doing, and asking those horrible questions that make business owners squirm in their seats when we ask them…
- What is your product/service?
- What are your up-sells, down-sells, and core offering?
- Who is going to buy and why?
- How do you define your audience…Your customer target market?
- Where are they?
- What do they do?
- How can your product/service benefit them?
- What’s their pain and how can I solve it?
- How do you get your voice heard?
These are just a few of the primary project/business questions. Then it’s ‘How cost effectively can profit be delivered’.
‘We’re in business to make money – if not, then why aren’t you working for someone else?’
I am just referring to the marketing/sales bit, not the ‘Nut’s and Bolt’s of your service or product.
I found implementing sales automation – FOCUSES the mind. You can’t run the business on a whim, a hunch, a ‘Sort of’ thinking. If you’re going to kick a football – it has to have a purpose, ‘It’s a ‘pass to another player’, a ‘free kick?’, or a ‘GOAL!’.
The same is of your marketing. Every action you take has to be a planned response to the ‘Behaviour’ of a potential customer.
- What did your potential customer do to get your website?
- When they get to your website,
- What are they looking at on your website?
- What are they reading?
- Where do you want to direct them to?
- How are you monetising your traffic?
Tell Us About Your Project
Imagine employing someone to do this…
Leads generated from your marketing campaigns, be it Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Emails, Radio, Newspaper and etc are recorded somewhere. That ‘somewhere’ could be a spreadsheet, a CRM system, on a paper log or your auto-responder or even into your email inbox.
Your admin person or even you as the owner, create a response email ‘Wow look at us! The cheapest in town!‘ And hit the send button…and then sit back waiting for a response.
You follow up with another email after two weeks. You then look at the next batch of new leads and repeat the process again – After changing the email because you wanted to change a picture. The process repeats itself over and over again – inevitably getting you the same results and then you announce ‘Digital Marketing doesn’t work’. Well! it won’t if you run it like that.
Automation can play 55% to 60% of the sales cycle. It’s does the things that are monotonous, labour intensive, and it happens 365 days if the year, 24/7!
Automation processes are never ill, never late, never forget! And they come at a Fixed cost.
But…I mentioned that it ‘FOCUSES’ the mind – the business if you like. You cannot set up sales automation processes without understanding your marketing. It won’t work, as there is no marketing to automate and ‘close’ your Ideal Customer.
The process is a painful one, but one that is illuminating as to the potential of your business.
A word on marketing cost. Just as you set up an office, whether it be client interfacing or a phone.
You still need office furniture, a phone, office supplies, computers, etc – you Digital Assets need setting up – Website, CRM, Sales Automation, Landing Pages, Creation of EBooks – Lead Magnets, Logo’s, and Campaigns. This is a ‘Fixed Cost’, just as your business premises are.
The spend on advertising is your ‘Variable Cost’. You are generating leads to be converted by your ‘Marketing System’ – your Digital Asset.
The variable cost is measured by it’s KPI’s.
- How much was cost of advertising?
- What was cost of running your campaign; Creatives, Content, Lead Magnets?
- How many leads did I get?
- How many converted into sales?
- What was my gross profit?
- What was the ROI on that campaign?
This percentage should always be going up! And all measured by automating your sales and marketing processes.
To find out more about automating your business please call me Baggy Tiwana on 07971241120.